Oinker Space
Comedy • News • Culture
After falling through a portal betwixt dimensions, diesel powered Mecha Swine Pig Wig and Micro Pigsapian Pilot Oinker find themselves in a universe occupied by insane long pigs.

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November 03, 2024
A Blurred Mind

Does consciousness reside entirely in the noisy meat of your brain? Or is there a quantum dimension to our subjective awareness?

Does this hint at a higher dimensionality to our congintive processes? And are we actually just pondering the soul?

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November 18, 2024
Under Construction

Hold tight, Oinker's taking an R & D break working on brand new types of content in addition to News Swine, AI Audit and the Omnibus.

Check back before Christmas for more, or in the mean time, swing by and join the (almost) daily gaming streams which continue as usual.


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November 03, 2024
AI Prize Intellect Awarded

Are there scientific principles we are incapable of conceiving? Studies too laborious or intricate or outside of our capacity to reason?

With Geoffrey Hinton's recent Nobel Prize in physics, the profound legacy of his contribution to AI development is recognized.

And with it, an appreciation that AI's contribution is set to revolutionize future discoveries.

November 03, 2024
An Insult Reee-naissance

With Language ever evolving should we temper our concern for the resurgence in the term "Retard" and risk fortifying it's former derogatory meaning?

Or Accept it's meaning no-longer targets individuals with cognitive disabilities?

December 30, 2023
Mecha Swine Discord

For exclusive premium member features or just to expand your swinery horizons consider also joining my Discord.


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November 21, 2022
Home Sweet Home - A speak easy for your inner Swine
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